Gigis Cupcakes photos
Gigis Cupcakes map, street view, direction

905 North Highway 67 Cedar Hill Texas 75104 United States


Gigis Cupcakes Opening Hours

10:00:00 - 20:00:00
10:00:00 - 21:00:00
12:00:00 - 19:00:00

Gigis Cupcakes About

The first Gigi’s opened in Nashville, TN in 2008. Today with nearly 100 locations nationwide, our one-of-a-kind cupcakes and our signature swirl bring happiness and joy to our customers every day. Our franchisee owners are always happy creating new and exciting local treats for you to enjoy. Stop in to any of our stores and find your next favorite flavor!

Gigis Cupcakes Services

Gigis Cupcakes Photos (4)

Gigis Cupcakes FAQ

Gigis Cupcakes where ?

Gigis Cupcakes at 905 North Highway 67, Cedar Hill, Texas 75104

Gigis Cupcakes phone number ?

Gigis Cupcakes phone number 9722932253

Gigis Cupcakes contact ?

You can call at 9722932253.You can fill out the form at

905 North Highway 67 zip code ?

The Zip Code 75104