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Athens / Georgia / United States

Founded in 1968 by the University of Georgia, The State Botanical Garden of Georgia is a 313-acre non-profit natural retreat tucked away along rolling hills and the Middle Oconee River. The Garden's goal as described by its mission statement is to, "foster appreciation, understanding, and stewardship of plants and nature through research, collections and displays, horticultural gardens, educational programs, and special events."

At the center of the State Botanical Garden is the Alice Hand Callaway Visitor Center and Conservancy, a large predominately glass building that welcomes all guests. Here, visitors may obtain information about the gardens, peruse the indoor gardens and displays, eat at the Gardenside Cafe, visit the gift store and explore the educational wing of the State Botanical Garden. As part of its core cirriculum, the gardens sponsor educational opportunities for both adults and children including the Garden Earth Naturalist After-School Clubs, student field trips, teacher certification programs, conferences, symposiums, literature and more. 

Surrounding the Conservatory are several theme gardens that explore different realms of plant life. The most recently developed is the Heritage Garden, which focuses upon historic and socioeconomically important species. Other gardens include the International Garden, Shade Garden, Native Flora Garden and Flower Garden.

Extending even further from these areas, visitors may amble along any of the garden's eight nature trails through wooded forests and the Middle Oconee River. Trails are well-marked and make a great escape from urban life.

Other areas and buildings of note include the Callaway Building, which serves as the administrative home of the State Botanical Garden of Georgia and houses a library, event reception center and auditorium for larger events. On the far side of the property from the Callaway Building, visitors will find the beautiful Day Chapel, perfect for events such as weddings. Additionally, the gardens play host to the state headquarters of the Garden Club of Georgia, which is housed in a stately building near the Day Chapel.

If you are looking for an undisturbed and relaxing adventure into the great outdoors, the State Botanical Garden of Georgia is an excellent place to grab some peace of mind. Entrance is free.

