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Stamford / Connecticut / United States
Founded in 1979, Gartner is a provider of research and analysis about the global information technology industry. The company provides data, advice and opinions to more than 45,000 clients worldwide representing in excess of 9,000 distinct organizations. Its clients include chief information officers and other senior information technology executives in corporations and government agencies, as well as technology companies and members of the investment community. Gartner operates four businesses that consist of Gartner Research, a comprehensive collection of analysis and advice for the users and vendors of technology; Gartner Executive Programs, one of the worlds largest membership program for CIOs, senior IT managers and their direct reports; Gartner Events, a major IT conference provider; and Gartner Consulting, an independent consultancy at the intersection of business and technology. The company maintains its headquarters in Stamford, Conn., and has offices in Europe, Latin America, the Asia-Pacific Region, the Middle East and Africa.
Raleigh / North Carolina / United States
Robert Half Accountemps located in Raleigh is a temporary staffing company for accounting, finance and bookkeeping professionals. Visit us at 4140 ParkLake Ave. At Robert Half, our mission is to help businesses grow by matching the right talent to their specialized staffing and consulting needs, and build rewarding careers for the professionals we place. We adhere to a philosophy of Ethics First in everything we do and create a work environment where employees can thrive and innovate. Robert Half is a socially responsible corporate citizen and an active participant in the communities in which we live and work.
Dayton / Ohio / United States
UES, founded in 1973, is a science and technology company that provides its government and industry customers with research and development expertise, technical support and value-added management services. In addition to material science and processing, metallurgy, computer science, physics, aerospace power and propulsion technologies, the company provides expertise in environmental science, toxicology, biotechnology and nanotechnology. UES research advances have been commercialized through subsidiaries and associated spin-off enterprises that provide a diverse range of specialized products and services, such as process simulation software, surface modification of materials, workflow process management software and rugged portable computers for harsh environments. UES takes pride in commercializing its technology breakthroughs into products and services. Its employees are prominent scientists and engineers with almost a third of its professionals holding Ph.Ds. UES is located in Dayton, Ohio.
Flagstaff / Arizona / United States
TeamLogic IT is a national provider of technology solutions that businesses rely on for best-in-class managed IT services. Local offices provide companies of all sizes with the IT support they need to minimize downtime and improve productivity. Our IT services include proactive cybersecurity protection, cloud computing, backup and disaster recovery, business continuity, mobility, IT procurement and consulting services. Whether a company needs IT outsourcing in its entirety or supplemental to their own internal IT activities, our team gets the job done. With nearly 200 independently owned and operated locations across North America, TeamLogic IT fills the void in the marketplace for a trusted technology advisor.
San Diego / California / United States
Founded in 1987, T V S D America Inc. is a globally recognized testing, inspection and certification organization. A subsidiary of T V S D AG, it is a business-to-business engineering services firm providing international safety testing and certification services. The company s core services include auditing services, industrial services, medical services, new and refurbished equipment, petrochem inspection, testing services and renewables. T V S D America Inc. operates Product Service, Management Service, Industry Service, Automotive and PetroChem divisions. It caters to the needs of Aerospace/Defense, Consumer Products, Elevator Services, Food Safety and Security, General Manufacturing, Information Technology Equipment, Laboratory Equipment and Materials and Pressure Equipment industries, to name a few.
Virginia Beach / Virginia / United States
There is little more frustrating than computer problems, but we all rely so heavily on technology at this day in age. Computer repairs are often costly, and downtime is frustrating for everyone. Much like a car, regular computer maintenance and monitoring results in better performance and less outages. Thats where we come in. We offer service plans that let us monitor your computers for you. We perform proactive maintenance to prevent most problems, and were notified of other problems to fix them before you even notice. We also offer remote support with our service plans, so were always there for you if you do have any problems. Were here to worry about your technology so you dont have to! Give us a call or check out to find out more about our service plans.
Cambridge / Massachusetts / United States