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New York / New York / United States
There are many reasons why New York’s premier residential buildings, institutions and private schools rely on Fred Smith Plumbing and Heating. Since 1914, our reputation has been built on high quality, fairly priced service and an impeccable attention to detail. On doing a job right the first time and doing it neatly. On never having to make excuses. We have over 120 trained professionals on staff and when you call Fred Smith, you always get a real live plumber on the phone—not a receptionist, or worse, an answering machine. Since we’re right in Manhattan, (something few of our competitors can say)?we can always be there fast. In the event that we have more requests for emergency work than we can handle in any one day, we must give priority to the residential co-operative and condominium buildings because their problem may affect an entire community of tenants. We apologize ahead of time to the individual tenant whose work may need to be rescheduled at these peak demand times.