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Bellevue / Washington / United States
iHost Networks is a privately held Web services company based in Preston, Washington. We first started offering Web hosting services to small businesses in 1996. Since then, we have broadened our service offerings to include email, domain name registration and on-demand Web applications. We sell our services through software publishers and a network of affiliates and resellers. Our goal is to provide services to these companies that are easy to use, affordably priced and most importantly, designed to deliver profits to their bottom lines with minimal expense. We are constantly innovating and employing automation that will help us to provide enhanced solutions to our customers. One area where we will not automate, however, is human-based customer support. We have found that giving customers the ability to talk with a knowledgeable person, who can help them resolve their issues, is the key to achieving complete customer satisfaction.
Bellingham / Washington / United States
Lacey / Washington / United States
Kirkland / Washington / United States
Seattle / Washington / United States
Seattle / Washington / United States
F5 Networks network solutions provide geographically dispersed employees, partners, suppliers and customers with reliable and secure access to corporate applications. These solutions address application security, application optimization and application availability allowing companies to improve productivity, cut bandwidth expenditures, use fewer server resources and lower overall infrastructure costs. These products include Firepass, WebAccelorator, BIG-IP Link Controller, Fast Cache and SSL Acceleration. Headquartered in Seattle, F5 Networks serves more than 9,000 organizations worldwide from approximately 30 offices in South America, Africa, Europe, India, Southeast Asia and Australia.
Bellevue / Washington / United States
Spokane / Washington / United States
Vancouver / Washington / United States
Seattle / Washington / United States
Bellevue / Washington / United States
Seattle / Washington / United States
Liberty Lake / Washington / United States
For more than a decade E-insights has been helping clients with large scale on-line operations ensure their on-line systems meet or exceed customer and partner expectations. Consulting and technical services in the areas of strategic planning and competitive analysis ensure that products and services are up to date and cutting edge. Performance evaluation, cost and performance optimization ensure that infrastructure is sized, configured and programmed to deliver the best possible experience to users -even at times of high traffic resulting from marketing initiatives. On-going systems monitoring ensure that systems continue to operate effectively as both user demand changes and system functionality is updated. Inadequate, or more often inappropriately configured/programmed infrastructure is a common cause of a frustrating user experience for those responding to a marketing event. Rather than capturing loyal users, such an experience teaches those who responded to the event that the provider is of questionable provenance; the opposite of the intended goal for marketing expenditures. In the case of acquisitions, or close linkages with partners, technology audit services and due diligence investigations can ensure plans are based on realistic expectations and solid data. Acquisitions would never happen if senior management in the acquiring organisation were not enthusiastic about the potential of the acquisition target and the target management were not similarly inclined. Such enthusiasm can benefit from a technical due-diligence investigation - no less thorough and factual that the financial and legal due-diligence. E-insights has extensive experience in technical due-diligence in a wide range of deal sizes from modest (10M) to large ($500M). Expertise, knowledge and experience, along with excellent communications and interpersonal skills are our foundation. An extensive set of tools and databases our advantage. E-insights can make the difference for you!
Spokane / Washington / United States