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Morrisville / North Carolina / United States
Optometrist near you specializing in Vision Therapy, Myopia Control, Sports Vision Training, Neuro Visual Rehab and Scleral Lenses. We provide complete family eye care services including comprehensive eye exams and pediatric eye care. For your eye doctors appointment Call Toll Free: 1-855-770-4070
Fayetteville / North Carolina / United States
At Village Eye Care, we believe in looking at the big picture when it comes to your eye health, so we take the time to get to know you, your medical history and your vision needs. We have been serving Fayetteville and Fort Bragg, NC for over 25 years. Doctors Arcolano and Vaughan provide a total evaluation for your eyes from visual efficiency, signs for ocular diseases, all the way to your prescription for glasses or contacts. involves balancing several factors, including clear eyesight, visual efficiency and your ability to process visual information seamlessly. Schedule an appointment with us to see how we can help you get the best prescription for your eyes.
Fayetteville / North Carolina / United States
Our walk-in eye center provides comprehensive eye exams and sleepSEE Ortho-K. sleepSEE Ortho-K (also known as orthokeratology) is a nonsurgical vision correction alternative to LASIK surgery. It allows a person to experience clear and comfortable vision throughout the entire day, without having to wear glasses or daytime contact lenses. This is the only vision correction procedure approved for adults and children (ages 6 and up). sleepSEE Ortho-K is also clinically proven to slow down nearsighted (or myopia) progression in children. Similar products on the market are: Accelerated Ortho-KCRT - Corneal Refractive Therapy, Driem LensesFargoGOV- Global Orthokeratology VisionGVSS - Gentle Vision Shaping System Molding Lenses, Natural Vision Improvement, Night LensesOvernight Lenses, OCR = Overnight Corneal ReshapingVST - Vision Shaping Treatment, VIP - Vision Improvement ProgramVIPOK, Wave Custom Ortho-K / Non-Surgical Vision Correction. What makes sleepSEE stand out amongst the competition is, sleepSEE lenses last up to two years - while the competition requires yearly replacements. If youre interested in surgical vision correction, such as LASIK or PRK, drop by our office (or give us a call) to discuss your nonsurgical option: sleepSEE Ortho-K! We also treat and monitor the following eye conditions: - Glaucoma - Cataracts - Sty infection - Diabetic Retinopathy - Dry Eyes - Allergic Conjunctivitis - Itchy eyes - Swollen eyelid - Myopia or Nearsighted Progression - Blepharitis - Convergence Insufficiency - Double Vision - Eye trauma - and remove foreign objects from eye We also have a great selection of eyewear and colored contact lenses. We accept military insurance (Tricare/Humana), Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicaid, Medicare, VSP, Signa, and United Healthcare, Community Eye Care, and Care Credit financing. Childrens first eye exam, by an eye doctor, should take place between 6 and 12 months of age. The next time you google "best eye doctor near me", please select Eye Medics Optometry clinic as your number one choice for better vision. Call 910.426.3937 today and schedule your Ortho-K consultation or comprehensive Eye Exam. Open on Saturdays by appointment only.